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- Med School Insight - This blog is managed by Kaplan, and provides great information to help current medical students work their way through education, residency and beyond.
- Merck Manuals - Blog posts by past and current medical students, with practical advice including managing stress and sticking to a healthy lifestyle.
- Andrea Tooley, M.D. - An opthamology resident at the Mayo Clinic. Her blog includes from posts from medical school and residency, tips for success, etc.
- Aspiring Docs Diary - Great blog for both aspiring and current medical students. Managed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
- Kevin M.D. - Dr. Kevin Pho created this blog in 2004 and the contributor network has grown to thousands, including surgeons, nurses, medical students, and more.
- WebMD Doctors - Each post is penned by a physician, and the topics include parenting, heart medication, or even how health professionals struggle with healthy eating.
- Harvard Health Blog - Covers a wide range of health-related topics and includes answers to questions that many people don't even think to ask.
- The Medical Futurist - One of the best online resources for learning about technology in the medical sphere.
- Motivate MD - This blog is full of tips for getting through school and manage stress. This is a good blog to mark for days when medical school seems overwhelming.
- Life of a Med Student - Started by one student as a Twitter account, it has since evolved into a full-blown website with numerous guest contributors, including amusing stories from people who have been there.
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